About Us

Welcome to Angel Goforth Design!

I know it says About Us, but really its only me, and some really amazing Print on Demand companies. All artwork is my own, it came from my imagination and my hand. If you don't know what Print on demand is, its where i make the design and another company actually prints your purchase and ships directly to you. That way small artists like me, can offer more because we don't have to buy a ton of inventory.

I'm pretty sure Im supposed to put my mission statement here, but in reality, I hate mission statements, these companies that give you lip service, and half the time can't pull through with all those statements and promises they made just to sound like someone you would want to do business with.

So here is what I know I can do for you.

  1. I can make you smile, i mean you're already here so you probably liked my work.
  2. I can give you amazing customer service, I've been in retail for pretty much my whole career, so I obviously know a thing or two.
  3. I can promise you that at some point the US postal service, UPS or Fed ex will make a mistake, at that point refer to #2. I will take care of you.
  4. I can promise you that I am human and you are human and we will at some point maybe make a mistake. At this point refer to #2. I will take care of you.
  5. If there is a design you love but not the right product for you, contact me and I can see what we can come up with!
  6. And finally, I choose my suppliers after i see the product, so I love the quality of the products that I sell. 

My vision for my store is simple, I like to make people happy. I want my store to be your happy spot. That when you need a little uplift in your day, you can pop in and look at my stuff and get some enjoyment.

If you're wanting to know more about who I am as a person, artist, human, just visit my Blog from the store! I can't wait to see you there!