First Blog Post. And so, it begins.

Here I am..........

And here you are, reading my Blog. And I thank you for taking the time to see me.

Thats me, Angel Goforth, Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Artist, Ecom Manager, Cat Lover, Lover of all books, DIY extraordinaire, I could add on all day with the many titles and roles I've acquired in 53 years....... and now Ecom Shop Owner! Wow, things are going to get busy around my house!

I totally opened my own online store; I am so excited and terrified all rolled into one. 

I've been putting this off for years. Fears and self-depreciating doubts, all the nay sayers you'd expect and probably have told yourself. But now I'm doing this thing and I know I am going to make many mistakes but that's OK, you're never too old to learn. And believe me, it's totally a work in progress, much like me.

What do I even write about?? Don't worry Ill figure it out. It's probably going to be all over the place because I write as I speak. If your along for the ride I am apologizing now.

OK, the picture.

I have been looking into opening my own store for a while and all the expert advice says I should have a professional photo shoot, but this picture, this selfie, crow's feet and all, this is me. This is where you can usually find me either when stopping by or FaceTime, sitting on my porch having coffee, reading a book or just, crafting, drawing or watching my garden grow. This is me. It's not glamorous, but its real. And there are usually a few kitties to snuggle hanging out too.

My art.

I never thought as what I do as Art, not when I do it. Now if you gave me a card with anything hand drawn on it, I would tell you that you were an artist. 

But I never believed it of myself. Well, I've changed my mind, and I had help.

I have this amazing group of supportive friends and family that have been telling me for years to DO something with my doodles and drawings. They pushed and prodded and finally, I found the courage to believe them and believe in myself.

To my amazing husband, my biggest supporter, my love, THANK YOU. You make my day brighter by waking up beside you. And easier because if I cook you do the dishes. There, it's in writing and immortalized on the internet. Your welcome....

My Girls, you all know who you are, my emotional support team, my confidants, my go to girls. We laugh together, play together, cry together. Thank you for always telling me to go for it and damn the consequences. My wish for every girl is to have the kind of friends I have. Fierce, Supporting and unconditional. I love you.

And to sum it all up. I have this amazingly simple beautiful life filled with uncomplicated genuine people that love me fiercely and unconditionally. I hope you come back and hang out on my porch with me. We always have a good time. 





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So let me share just a little bit of insider information about this artist, this business owner, this friend of whom I am overwhelmingly proud of!
For over 40 years I have witnessed her giving pieces of that big ole heart of hers to others, not because she needed something in return, or to prove herself to be a good person or because she felt it was a necessary chore, but because it was natural. She is just a naturally good person in this world. She is altruistic and unselfish. A very rare gem.
She is absolutely everyone’s most fun friend or favorite relative. She is warm and vibrant and curious and brilliant and hysterically funny. She is a defender and a protector and a supporter. She has the most interesting friends, and is passionate about the people and causes she loves. She is generous and kind and compassionate. She is soft and stern and adventurous. She has never met a stranger, fundamentally sees the good, and has such an exceptional view of this world and all of inhabitants.
She. Lives. To. Love.
Through life’s increasing challenges, her quick wit and infectious laugh have always remained. She is absolutely cherished by those who are lucky enough to know her and she has the most loyal friends.
Because. That. Is. Who. She. Is.
I am so grateful to know her, to be a part of her heart, and her artistically brilliant whimsical world. The talent that she shares with all of us will remain, always, a true and sincere piece of her; a small glimpse of who she is from the inside out. An amazingly authentic and original piece of her heart.
My most creatively inspired, talented artist and My very staunchest friend.


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